Take a Moment to Pause

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Are you allowing yourself proper downtime to be able to rest and rejuvenate to tackle the demands of daily life? Chances are, your answer to that question is “no”. If that’s true, I have found that finding ways to take a moment to pause, intentionally, helps us to divide our time more wisely. In doing this, we are ultimately more productively.

The importance of pausing applies to many areas of life. I used to equate stopping and stillness to being lazy. But really, it’s a way to recharge and reset your energy, which can actually help you be more productive.

Consider this, If you’re so bogged down by stress that you’re unable to make the next move due to feeling overwhelmed, are you being productive?

Instead, when you are feeling overwhelmed by stress, take a deliberate moment to pause and do something that will reset your emotional state to one of calmness.

This is not a step back in productivity, but rather a smart way to ensure that you allow your stress to minimize so you can “see more clearly.”

Most of us have lived lives of such constant distraction that learning how to be more present, aka mindful, takes practice and patience. The reward for training your mind to pause will be increased awareness, productivity, and happiness.

Taking a moment to pause is like sipping on a cup of coffee for the mind. It interrupts the negative energy that can sometimes gather when we’re on autopilot, fighting our way through the day.

Try experimenting with different things to do when you take your moment to pause. See what feels the most calming. When stress is mounting, stop everything you’re doing.

The training isn’t difficult; it’s remembering to take a pause that’s the hard part. Little by little, you will begin to more quickly notice when you are not present.

Tips to take a moment to pause:


  • Sip slowly on your favorite drink such as coffee, lemon water or tea. Men’shealth.com suggests Green Tea for its powerful brain-relaxing compound called theanine to reduce anxiety.
  • Be one with nature. If  your not anywhere near nature, pull up pictures of nature on your computer or phone and escape into the scenery.
  • Break from technology altogether by going for a walk however short it may be. Your eyes and your mind will appreciate the stimulation break.
  • take a moment in your mind to list what is going well for you lately and what you have accomplished.
  •   Take a deep breathe and be kind to yourself. Organize your next steps in your mind and log them based on what is most important to the least.
  • Enjoy your moment to pause with others. If you stuck in a negative mood or headspace, see if others want to take a break with you. Sometimes breaking from your stress with social interaction other than focusing on your stress can be the relief you need.

Keep paying attention to your breathing and keep it calm and steady. Any stressful thoughts that enter will be silenced by your reassurance to yourself that you are doing the best you can. Things will get done.

These few moments help you deliberately pay attention to your experience and can help you feel more centered throughout your day.

Let me know how it goes!


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