The train is coming and it’s a race to make it on time. I’m not an early bird so sometimes I’d push sleep past my alarm clock, almost to the point of missing my train. Working an hour and 15 minutes away from home and commuting to NYC required a morning routine. Taking time out to fit in exercise felt impossible at first.
Work clothes were laid out the night before, the coffee pot was set on a timer, my lunch was prepared the night before and ready to place in my travel bag. If any of these things were not ready the night before, it could result in missing the train.
Suffice it to say, mornings were hectic and anxiety-provoking at times. Running late often meant running through the parking lot and jetting up a huge flight of stairs to the train platform. This left an out of shape woman with exercise-induced asthma wheezing and sweating to the point of drawing stares on the train.
Working a 9-5 job, five days a week could feel monotonous at times. I remember walking past the stairwell to go to the bathroom every day for about three months. One particular life-sucking day, I decided to open the stairwell door and escape for a little change of scenery.
Then, I considered the fact that I’m sitting most of the day, slowly but surely decreasing my life expectancy. A sedentary lifestyle raises your risk of heart disease, obesity, a stroke, high blood pressure, and many other medical issues. It can even increase your risk for anxiety and depression (cheery, I know).
As an everyday precaution, I starting walking up the stairs. Just a few flights soon became 5, 10, 15. My new rule had become if I was going to use the bathroom, I had to grab a few flights on the way back.
You cannot get back to your work desk quickly by walking up flights of stairs so I began to run out of necessity. This was so much more invigorating and heart-pumping than sluggishly walking. Pushing yourself past your limit is a sure-fire way to mix up your workday.
I had this secret routine only I knew about to make me feel more alive. By month five at work, it was not uncommon for me to run up anywhere from 25-40 flights of stairs a day in my over 50-floor office building. With my pumps and suit jacket placed by the steps, I began my mad dash with excitement and purpose.
Developing an exercise routine at work had become a new and beneficial habit for me. Breaking the habit of sleeping in and running late to work was another story for this lazy morning-time lifer. But now, when I had to run up those stairs to the train platform, I sweat less and my breathing was quieter and more controlled.
All of this to say, there is always some way you can work your body. If you get creative and find ways to increase your heart rate, despite being unable to get to a gym, you will feel less stressed and decrease your risk for health issues. You may just feel accomplished in a way that your job itself can’t provide.
According to IHRSA, Millennials in a research study reported they exercise at least once a week, with over $7 billion spent annually on gym memberships, which is double that of older generations.
Your generation is out there intentionally choosing fitness as a part of their weekly routine.
Here are some creative ideas to get that body moving.
How To Fit In Exercise At Home:
- Do housework regularly such as dusting, vacuuming, gardening, and yard work. These can be very mindful and productive ways to get exercise.
- Keep moving while you watch TV. Do some yoga stretches, run in place, do jumping jacks or invest in a treadmill or an exercise bike.
- Work out at home with free workout videos on
- Go for a walk in your neighborhood with your pet, your kids or your partner. It’s also a good way to spend quality time.
How To Fit In Exercise At Work:
- Get up from your chair and move around at least once an hour.
- Stand when you are talking on the phone.
- Do lunges by your desk (So what if your that guy or gal who does lunges by their desk?).
- Invest in a treadmill desk
- Take the stairs instead of the elevator or walk the escalator.
- Use your break or part of your lunch hour to walk around the building or outside.
- Have a walking buddy at work to keep one another motivated. I work from home now and it puts a smile on my face to see two coworkers from the office building down the block walking on my street together every day.
- Ride your bike to work (get there early to clean yourself up!).
- Trade-in your work or home office chair for an exercise yoga ball chair.
The Takeaway
These are just some suggestions, but find what excites you and motivates you to get your heart rate going.
Millennials are realizing that while our parents have done and continue to do impressive things, sometimes eating healthy and exercising regularly isn’t in the routine.
Fit in exercise anywhere you can, despite how busy your day is because it will help keep you going.
Find your “stairwell.” Do what invigorates you and helps maintain your physical and mental health. Be part of the generation that wears yoga pants for a purpose. No excuses!
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